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DR WILFRED MONTEIRO... is India's renowned management teacher & life coach . Since 1993 he has trained over 65 thousand professionals in an array of business & leadership skills. His public seminars on RIGHT BUSINESS ETIQUETTE, hosted by premier B-schools & Chambers of Commerce; are a benchmark to all business professionals and entrepreneurs aiming to make IMAGE an asset For contact details visit his website www.synergymanager.net

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Best interview etiquette is mainly common sense but you would be surprised by the number of times that people have taken it for granted and overlooked the repercussions.


Best interview etiquette is mainly common sense but you would be surprised by the number of times that people have taken it for granted and overlooked the repercussions. In reality, a job interview begins once you get notice of the interview and your interview preparation must begin immediately.

The Dress Code for an interview
Many offices these days are business casual. Therefore, you feel that it is ok to arrive to the job interview also dressed casually. It really is not. The interviewer wants to know that you are serious about getting this job. The first impression will be lasting. Put on your suit, polish your shoes and ensure that you are well groomed.

Punctuality and Interviews
Leave yourself loads of time to get to the job interview. I know it sounds obvious but some things are always going to be out of your control. For example, the bus timetable you have may be out of date and delays you in getting to the interview. As far as the interviewer is concerned, you did not make the effort to get there on time. There is no point blaming the bus. Always arrive fifteen to twenty minutes early.

The interview handshake
Look the interviewer straight in the eye and have a firm handshake. Wait for the interviewer to offer you a seat. If he offers you a drink of water, do not be shy to take it. 

Questions for the interviewer
Ensure that you have questions for the interviewer. This portion of job interview etiquette is always overlooked. The interviewer will expect you to have some questions for him or her on both the role and the company. Even if this is your tenth job interview with the same company, make sure you have a couple of questions ready - else it is deemed that you are not really interested.
Job interview etiquette is often and should never be overlooked. Interviewers demand a certain respect and you should not put your chances of winning your dream job at risk by not following some simple interview etiquette rules.

1.     Arrive about 10 to 15 minutes early, not before. And definitely not after the scheduled time!
2.     Do refer to the interviewer by name
3.     Be alert and interested from beginning to end
4.     Be calm and confident but never egotistical or aggressive.
5.     Project keen interest in the company and the interviewers; never act disinterested.
6.     Be positive and confident - never get defensive at any question or comment at job interviews.
7.     Maintain eye contact with the interviewer without crossing the boundary into staring.
8.     Speak of your accomplishments with specific examples.
9.     When asking them questions, be sure to ask about aspects other than just money.
10. Don't excuse yourself to go to the bathroom during the interview.
11. Dress accordingly but make sure your clothes don't steal the show. You need to convince the recruiter with your skills.
12. Address the interviewer by name. Make sure you pronounce his name correctly.
13. Always carry a few spare copies  of your CV ... it is being both courteous and efficient!
14. Make sure you go to the bathroom before the interview, not during the interview!
15. Don't ask for refreshments. Make sure you had something to drink and eat before the interview begins.
16. Be alert and interested all the time!
17. Be confident but never cocky!
18. Do not make any negative comments about anything. Don't bad-mouth any former employer.
19. Put your briefcase or other interview paraphernalia on the floor and not on the desk.
20. Take notes on a note pad and not on your laptop.
21. Don't interrupt the interviewer.
22. Make sure your cell phone is switched off.
23. Be polite to everyone, also the receptionist!
24. Pay attention to your body language. Stand and sit up straight, be moderate in using hand gestures.
25. Don't lie because sooner or later you will be caught! If you don't know something say "I don't know..." it's a powerful way to win respect
26. Don't procrastinate in answering questions.
27. Be enthusiastic but don't look desperate.
28. Be prepared. Do your research regarding job, company and interviewer.
29. Ask intelligent and relevant questions that will impress your interviewer.
30. Don't ask the receptionist a introduction of the company you should have previewed your website.
31. Don't smoke, chew gum,  or eat “paan” beforehand.it shows on your breath 
32. Go to the interview alone (let parents, children, spouses, friends etc. wait outside the building if they accompany you).
33. Avoid being touchy in an interview situation.
34. Thank the interviewer for their time and ask what the next steps are, if they didn't already tell you.
35. Send thank-you notes following the interview. Make yourself memorable.

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